
Tis the season ..

This holiday season was the last as a 3 person family unit ... I'm excited, anxious, and nervous for to meet the new little Leff that is putting on it's last few layers of fat before coming out an meeting us. It was a crazy holiday, as usual, since we basically do 3 seperate Christmas "present openings". And it's non stop eating as you troop from one faimly to the other. It is great to spend time with people that you may only see once or twice a year.

This year I got a story from Heidi's cousin that touched me. Admittedly I'm a bit of a sap for these things, but I really think that this story tells the true meaning of Christmas and is an inspiration for us all. Thank you to Jackson, Kyle, and Lucas for sharing the magic of the season.



I've been watching the show LOST on TV this season. What a great show ... it's really pulled in Heidi and we can't wait each week to see what happens. We're both hoping that the show doesn't get too corny with monsters and such ... the anticipation/suspense is what keeps the show flowing. They have done a nice job of introducing all the characters and their histories to give perspective and show where they are coming from. If you haven't seen it, wait, I'm sure it will be on DVD before next Christmas.


Musings & stuff

It's been a while ... here goes. I've been busy working and trying my best to keep my housing projects on track. Some random thoughts ...

A new location of the uuber-furniture empire called IKEA opened here in AZ recently. We've found some cool stuff ... and shortly I'll have the contemporary office of the new millenium in the next few months.

I have discovered a new "toy" at work and it's called VirtualPC - it's a way for you to install a virtual computer inside your existing computer. I have since installed 3 seperate operating systems on my laptop (including Linux) and I have installed Linux at home too ... might be shifting off the M$ platform soon ... ooooooh ... aaaaaaaahh.

Parting shot ... if you haven't tried it already ... download the internet browser called FireFox ... it's free, and it's kicks IE's arse up and down. Oh ... and it's got a whole host of features included that IE does not ... and oh ... did I mention it's free ... and oh ... one more thing ... you know all those "security holes" that IE has ... Firefox is not succeptible ... not to say it will never have security issues, but it's not swiss-cheese IE. Naner, naner.


Pre-fact check

One day before the final debate at Arizona State University (go SunDevils!!) and this article is publishing the (dis)information that those that have been following the debates have grown accustomed to. It's definately pro-Kerry ... but more than that it's a preview of some of the hot buttons for the upcoming debates.

It would be nice if prior to the debates the "television media" (whatever that moniker amounts to these days) would do some sort of presentation of the FACTS, then watch as BOTH candidates spin their webs around them.

It would leave me the voter to decide which rat is the least harmful.

Makes me sick ...

Here is a story from the NY Times (registration req'd) that outlines how the Bush folks are putting money into the Catholic church to buy votes. Of course the article doesn't really say that, but you can read between the lines and see that they have been trying to influence the opinion of devout Catholics by using abortion, gay marriage, and embryonic research. All well and good if you believe, as the Catholic church does, that those things are wrong and constitute sins.

However, the bit in the story, that was ever so briefly mentioned, was that Mr. Bush is no saint. Are waging war and supporting the death penalty not sins? Apparantly not when a few $$ are thrown around.

I sincerely hope that come November we as Americans are smart enough to make the right decision.


More truth ...

It seems the mainstream media and rhetoric slinging politicians have another website to contend with. FACTCHECK.ORG is the latest one that I have been turned on to ... they went point by point through the VP debate and opened up each claim to well deserved criticism. I have added it to my list of places to read, especially in this electoral season.


Information galore!

Another great site that will cut through the maze of cr*p that BOTH candidates for president have been slathering foth. Spinsanity.org is the site and they collect all of the "spin" that the political parties are constantly bombarding us all with and they attempt to debunk it. Read and be entertained, then understand how you are being played by the candidates. Ouch.


The truth doesn't lie ...

Here is a web site / blog that has kept score of the Bush Administration's track record on many things. It's totally subjective, however, they also include the link to the story that discusses the issue, which then allows you to make up your own mind. (What a novel concept!)

If you look at the things that GW said he was going to accomplish versus what he has accomplished, you will see he veered well away from his stated goals 4 years ago. Oh yes, there was 9/11, and it did change everything. Or did it? What have you done differently in your life since 9/11 except for become more afraid and paranoid that the "enemy is out there"? Seriously. 9/11 was a wake up call. Now we are awake. It was not, however, a blank check to wage war against any regime that we think might be the slightest bit questionable.

This administration's time is up.


The Daily Show ...

Great article about the Daily Show ... which is my only source of TV news. The rest of the time I read about things on the internet, or get it over the FREE airwaves. Try it ... you'll be amazed at how much thinking for yourself is liberating.

If you can't tell, I'm a bit tired of being force fed what the networks TV folks want to feed me.


About politics and truth ...

Democrat v. Republican

Liberal v. Conserative

Good v. Evil

These are convenient labels that apply to the political process so that we can align ourselves to one camp or another. When will the madness stop? How do we really make a difference? How do we challenge these people in Washington DC to climb down from their pedestals and see what is really going on in the USA?

I have been listening to the campaigns of both Kerry and Bush for the 2004 election. Admittedly I haven't been listening that closely, but I have heard and seen some things that are disturbing and others that just don't make sense.

Kerry's Military Service:
If John Kerry's service was truly what these Swift Boat talkng heads claim it was, would they not be condemning themselves? One of the main detractors of Kerry's service earned a Bronze star based on the same event that they are claiming was false. His own account of the events (captured at the time during Vietnam) contradict what heh is now perpetuating.

Iraq War:
Rent the documentary called "Uncovered: The War On Iraq". It's a very good look into the PR machine that the Bush Administration is. The DVD has a collection of experts from many different areas (CIA, foreign ministers, weapons inspectors) and the information that they provide via interview is damning. I am a firm believer that our current president took our country to war based on lies and deciet. The facts speak for themselves. Iraq was never a threat to the USA. Iraq did not harbor terrorists. Black and white.

I have been looking for positive from the Bush administration. All I am faced with day in and day out is fear. I'm supposed to be afraid that a terrorist is going to harm me and as such I have to keep the people that are keeping me safe in office. They are somehow protecting me by wasting my tax dollars on a farse called the "Department of Homeland Defense". What has this department done other then raise and lower the terror threat level whimsically? I'm tired of the fear-mongering. I'm tired of the talking heads and talking points. Please ... please ... please ... stop!

I will do what I can to bring an end to the Bush monarchy ... er ... administration ... what about you?


Neuromancer - quick review

Neuromancer - William Gibson's groundbreaking cyberpunk novel was many
years ahead of it's time. Published in 1984 he discusses ideas that
were most recently displayed in the blockbuster film the Matrix.

I found the book an interesting read some 20 years later. Gibson
discussed ideas that can still be considered many years away if they
will ever happen. For an overview of the story, there is a study
on the web that does a fair job of summarizing the novel.

Without going too far into a literary criticism, I found the book hard
to follow at points. Gibson launches into the "future" terminology
without giving the reader any background information. Nothing to
refer to. Other than that ... excellent book ... highly recommended.


Leffie does Google mail

I have created another email address. Yeah, I know ... isn't like 10 enough? Nah ... had to try the new system. Google totally changes the way that you read mail since all the mail you recieve is viewed by conversation. This is fansastic for those of us that subscribe to listserv's. We'll see how it's recieved. Check out GMAIL.


Can you take this standing up?

Well gents, it seems that this product might allow the Ladies to be one step closer to reaching nirvana.


Central Oregon Coast - and a fun visit

We took off on a Friday afternoon for what is referred to as the Central Coast of Oregon, and more specifically, Newport. We got into Lincoln City (about 20 miles north of Newport) and had dinner at a wonderful little place off the beaten path called the Dory Cove Cafe which is located in Roads End, and oddly enough is almost at the end of the road (leading onto a beach!). This unassuming little restuarant located on the coast had good service, excellent seafood (Salmon and Halibut), and an excellent homemade berry cobbler dessert. After that fine meal, it was off to Newport to find our hotel and settle down for the night.

The next morning it was quite foggy during breakfast. We ate at a resturant called the Apple Peddler and had an average breakfast, certainly nothing to write home about. From there is was off to the beach, and the first one that we stopped at was called BEACH. The tide was out that particular morning ... and it was WAY out. As we walked along the beach we came across a magnificent set of tide pools where we saw tiny crabs and starfish making themselves at home. Of course, with all these cool things to see, Chloe just wanted to spend all her time in the water (which is FREEZING!) or digging in the sand. After the beach we drove over to the Oregon Coast Aquarium which was a treat. There was no crowd to speak of and, best of all, we just happened to arrive as all of the animals were being fed so we saw them on their "best behavior". We had fantastic weather while we were at the aquarium, but it is Oregon, so we knew that was subject to change at any time. From the aquarium we started to drive to find lunch, and Chloe passed out from the morning's activities. We got sandwiches from the local gorcery and drove down to historic Nye Beach where we sat in the car watching the birds and the waves come and go. Being that we are in Oregon, the rain is never far away. Our next stop was to see the historic Yaquina Head Lighthouse just north of Newport. The rain actually let up just enough for us to get out and walk around, snap a few pictures, and get back in the car to escape as the rain picked up. Later that evening, I set out to get a sweet treat and found myself on the Historic Bay Front and a candy shoppe run by two very friendly older gals that would have talked to me for the rest of the night. They were very generous as well since I probably could have tasted everything in the store without a purchase (making me sick in the mean time).

The next day we made plans to meet with Heidi's cousin in Depoe Bay (on their anniversary!). The trip was initially supposed to be a whale watching adventure, but the weather was not being cooperative. We met for a late breakfast at a wonderful little place called the Whale Watch Cafe. HUGE reasonabley priced meals! Following that we decided to head inland and visit the home of Oregon State University, Corvallis - which is where Heidi's cousin's Jackson, Kyle, and Lucas live. We cruised around the town, looking at the downtown area, then spent some time catching up at their lovely house. We're hoping to be able to make a trip back to see the remodel once it's completed. Dinner was a fun affair at a very eclectic pizza joint, and then we were off to drive back home.


Memorial Day travels

The NW travels continue ... over the past few weekends we have ventured out to explore some really fantasic areas of the northwest.

Pre-Memorial Day warm up trip:
On May 23, we took off on a day trip up the Oregon coast to Astoria and the general area. We decided to pass Astoria on the way up and continue on to Washington and an area called Long Beach. This was a really ... long ... beach?! We spent some time playing in the sand, and then driving on the beach. Yes, this beach allowed you to drive once you passed a certain point - and we enjoyed the opportunity to see the beach in fast forward. This also gave us the opportunity to let our little CRV kick in the 4-wheel drive. (Scared Heidi though - he he)

Memorial Day Weekend trips:
We kicked off the big 3-day weekend with a 1/2 day trip to one of Oregon's natural wonders, the Silver Falls State Park. On May 29th, we started our mini-hike at Winter Falls (#7 on the linked map) and continued along the path where we passed 4 more falls in total. The hike was just over 2 miles in and out and we found it to be some of the most beautiful naturescape that we had ever seen. It was raining for most of the time we were hiking which made for a bit of a soggy time. However, it also made the falls run just a bit stonger and more beautiful. Chloe stayed in her backpack for the enire hike, what a trooper! She kept telling us stories and making up little songs while we walked and took in the sights and sounds.

For the next trip, we couldn't decide whether to hit the coast again, or try something new. In typical fashion, it all worked out in the end for us as we chose to experience the southern portion of Mount St. Helens. As I was searching the web site for St. Helens, I saw a blurb about Ape Cave and I was intrigued ... so much so that this is where we decided to visit on our first trip to the mountain. On May 30th, we started to drive up to the cave and within minutes of reaching the location, the rain became to come down, and Chloe fell asleep. Instead of stopping at the cave straight away, we passed it on the way up to Lava Canyon and Ape Canyon trail heads. While it was far too wet to get out and walk around, it definately looked like a gorgeous hike with some very intersting natural features to pass. On to the actual cave ... it was dark ... and wet ... and actually pretty cool. We were woefully unprepared as the weather was raining buckets, we were just waking Chloe up, and when we got into the cave, we realized that one flashlight was not going to cut the mustard. I climbed the stairs out, went back to the car to get the backpack (which I should have brought ... ugh), rented a lantern, then returned to the cave. It was a very surreal experience trudging through this old lava tube all the while thinking ... is this the time that St. Helens decides to re-erupt? After the 1.5 mile hike down the tube and back, we journeyed back home, stopping at the most recently added Chipotle restaurant in Beaverton, OR. Yummy, yummy.

For our final journey of the weekend, we took our chances with the weather and drove out to the coast. We returned to one of our favorite spots, Cannon Beach. This time we drove a little further south and parked at Tolovana Beach. This was a beautiful entry to Cannon Beach where we spent the next 4-5 hours enjoying the rain-free day. I forgot to put sun block on and only discovered later what we all know, that a hazy day will burn you as easily as a sunny one. We played in the sand and walked in the surf as we made our way north along the beach towards Haystack Rock. After a few choice photo ops, it was back to the car, change of clothes for Chloe, and on to lunch. We decided to give the "famous" Mo's a try. It was average at best, what I would call a toursit trap type place. I had a bowl of chowder with a dinner salad covered in timy shrimp. Heidi had a burger, and Chloe had chicken tenders and fries. Nothing stood out as particularly excellent, but it filled our stomachs for the afternoon. After that, it was back to reality and the drive back home.


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The Masters ...

The Masters ... what a trip

First, the schedule ... we watched Thursday morning, all Saturday, and all Sunday. While we weren't watching the golf, we were playing 5 rounds, and staying out until 3 in the morning having a blast.

Thursday highlights:
The first thing we did was visit the golf shop to donate to the local economy, let's just say it wasn't cheap, but in all honesty, it wasn't as ridiculous as it could have been. We saw the first hole of Arnold Palmer's 50th and last appearance at the Masters. He got a par on the first hole, really cool to see. There was a brief tour of some of the front 9 on the course, then it was off to play golf.

Saturday highlights:
This was the day where we basically walked the course from the 1st hole to the 18th hole. As we walked around the course, we were kind of following Riley, Romero, and Faxon (can't remember the other guy). We did get to see
Tiger Woods as well as Phil Mickelson. It was a bit tiring, and by the
end, we were all pooped - which didn't stop us from going out that night.
We talked about our favorite holes on the course, and I just couldn't pick.
I do think that I like the back nine holes better than the front nine holes, but again, they are all magnificent.

Sunday highlights:
We chose to set up camp on the 15th hole in the grandstands. If you were watching and you saw a shot of the "stone bridge" to the left of the green/pond as you approach the 15th hole, we were just above that. This gave us a view of the golfers coming into the 15th green, as well as the 16th green. In order to secure this position, we got to the Masters shortly before 8am (when the gates open) and made a beeline for the grandstands. It wasn't until around 1:30-1:45 until the first golfers made it around ...
well worth the wait! While we were waiting for the golfers, they had a scoreboard where the leader's scores are posted and the anticipation and reaction from the gallery as the scores were posted was simply electric - ooh, ahh, oh!. As the leaders started teeing off we began to hear more and more of the loud cheers coming from all over the course. Each time we heard one, we would all speculate on who it was, and what it was, then the score would be posted and we had our own reactions. We watched every golfer that made the cut come thru the 15th and 16th which was quite a treat. The best of the best on stage for what can be said is the most storied golf course in the world. We saw 2 hole-in-ones on the 16th green from Harrington and Triplett, a few eagles on the 15th hole, and loads of birdies on both.
There was no birdie bigger that we saw than Phil Mickelson's as he's chasing Ernie Els on the back nine of the course. We had just watched Ernie Els birdie 15 to go 8 under par to take a one stroke lead on Mickelson. As Mickelson is approaching 15, Els is teeing off on 16. Phil pars 15, Els pars 16. (Remember, we just saw -2- hole in one's so the crowd is just freaking out). Mickelson steps up to the 16 tee and hits to almost the identical location that both of the hole in ones hit. His ball didn't quite roll the same way due to the spin, but he stepped up and hit the put for a birdie and a tie with Els at 8 under. The gallery was exploding on each put, and everyone was pulling for Mickelson. After they passed the 16th, we hustled to the 10th hole in anticipation of a playoff since they were tied at 8 under (why didn't we go to the 18th? It was a mob scene) As Mickelson came up on 18, we had a camera man from CBS doing his best to provide details. We heard that Phil's second shot was on the green, slightly above the hole. Mickelson's pairing Chris DiMarco putted out so up steps Phil.
At this point, all conversation on the 10th green stopped. Dead silence.
All you could hear are the birds chirping. The camera man says the put is away and is holding 2 fingers out to show it's still traveling. Still silence. Then all of a sudden, the camera man's fingers drop, he says "It's in!" and the sound from the 18th green is just getting to us and we're cheering as well!!! We "ran" up the 10th hole, which is all uphill, to see the jacket ceremony. We didn't get to see much of the ceremony, but as Mickelson was walking in through a corridor of fans, two of our group was in the front row and as he passed on the way in, we were chanting "ASU".

What a finish to a totally amazing trip.


XBox - no Intel Inside

This story talks about the new XBox being powered by a IBM built solution. They gent is speulating that it might be an AMD 64-bit chip. I suppose since i missed out on the PS2/Xbox console ... the next one I buy will most likley be a Nintendo or Sony machine. Grr ... Micro$oft rats.


Tulip festival in Oregon

What a beautiful natural wonder to see the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm in full bloom for the 19th annual Tuplip-fest. We scooted on down to see the flowers this past weekend and what a delight. The vibrant colors that you see on their website is what we actually experienced in person.

The day was a bit overcast (big suprise!) - but I think that led to better picture taking since the shadows were slightly reduced. We just got a new scanner so we should be better about posting pictures in the near future. Stay tuned!


The Leffie Rants are now in syndication!!

There is a link on the left side called "Site Feed" that if you have a newsreader or aggregator (see my 8.19.2003 post) you can get my newest posts sent to your door. Yes, I know, you can thank me now for providing you with this instant comment from the mind of Leffie.
Yahoo! News - 9/11 Victims' Kin Angered by Bush Ads

Let the games commence ... and you thought that it was going to be a quiet fall. The political machine that has been in rough idle for a little while is revving up it's collective engine.

I'm not going to pull any punches here, Bush needs to go. Yes, he's a tough guy that runs around the world making it a safer place for his corporate interests. But what has he done at home besides run up HUGE debts while handing out tax cuts to "everyone". The government that he claimed he wanted to shrink has grown by leaps and bounds.

What I would like to see from our leaders:
- Challenge the American public to make a difference. Whether it's their lives, their families, their cities, their state, or their coutnry. Just do something that makes you feel like you are a part of and a participant in the world around you. "No man is an island"
- Point our country in the direction and provide the leadership so that we can stand up and become closer to the ideals that we claim we have rather than cowering behind the facade of fake wars and terror threat levels.

I can't claim to know much about John Kerry. He might be Bush in sheep's clothing - I definately need to learn about what this man stands for.

But I can tell you right now, I will not vote for Bush.


(penned by Heidi ... )

Seattle trip

We had a really nice trip. On Saturday, we drove up around 8:30 and got there just at lunch time. We checked into the hotel which was great! It was the Marriott Waterfront ($60 on priceline thank you very much) and it was a big room with an ocean view balcony. We got some lunch and then headed to the space needle. It was a clear view and we really enjoyed ourselves. We went by a carnival and Chloe had to ride the carousel. We walked down to the Pike place Marketplace and listened to street performers, etc and then had dinner at this great place called the Garlic Tree.

Sunday we had breakfast at "The Dish"--yum and then spent the morning at the zoo. That afternoon we went to the science center and back to the Pike Place Marketplace to watch them throw fish.

On Monday we took the ferry to the other side of Puget Sound and took the "scenic" drive home along the sound. Overall, we had a great trip. It was so nice just to spend time together (even if Chloe was acting very two and refusing to take any naps!). Seattle is a fun city! We can't wait to see you in a few weeks!


I've been extremely busy at work the past few weeks, so it's been nice to be able to spend time with Heidi and Chloe. Last weekend we decided to check out the Oregon Mueseum of Science and Industry - OMSI for short. This place was amazing!! It may be because I haven't been to a science museum in a while, but I was really impressed. There was so much to do for the olders "kids" - which includes me - as well as for the younger kids like Chloe. We're considering getting an OMSI membership since it also gives you access to over 200 other science museums all over the US and Canada.

I recently got an email from Chipotle saying that they were opening a new store in Portland and they invited us to come on down on a Saturday and check it out. Well ... we had to check it out, so we drove by and the Chipotle folks were very generous giving us free burrito coupons, magnets, and T-shirts. The location is a bit far for a quick bite, but it's closer than AZ, so we're excited to have another taste from home.

As some of you know, I have entered a "bet" with some friends to motivate us to lose weight and generally become more healthy in general. We used Weight Watcher's plan in the past with great success, so at the beginning of this year, we decided to do that again. Really it's about learning to eat more healthy and get back into the eat to live mode instead of live to eat. So to that end, I have decided to try the trendiest diet out right now ... the South Beach Diet. I will still try to keep to the Weight Watchers plan while incorporating the South Beach Diet foods. Stay tuned to the Leffie Rants blog for updates on the weight loss and South Beach reviews.

We're heading up to Seattle over the Valentine's / President's Day weekend. We'll be staying at the Marriot Waterfront in downtown Seattle. We used the old standby of Priceline to get the best deal ... $60 a night!!! I'll be posting a rundown of our fun once we get back.


A majority of the holidays are come and gone and it's back to the old grind stone. Some exciting news on the "home" front is that the Leff Family is building a house in Chandler!! We signed all the papers and such during our visit home, and we are about 6 months away from being in debt to the bank again.

The builder is Woodside Homes and we will be living in a subdivision called Sun River. Our lot location in this subdivision puts us within walking distance to the local school and a stones throw from a HUGE greenbelt with a beautfiul view of the San Tan mountains. In the larger scheme of things, we are about 4-5 miles from the soon to be completed San Tan piece of the Loop202 and only 8 miles from Greg's work at the south Chandler Intel plant.

We have chosen the Colorado model and done some rather minor modifications. We're very excited to see how all of our selections will fit into our new home! For more info, check in with Greg or Heidi.

Stay tuned since we'll be having a housewarming party before you know it!!!