
Information galore!

Another great site that will cut through the maze of cr*p that BOTH candidates for president have been slathering foth. Spinsanity.org is the site and they collect all of the "spin" that the political parties are constantly bombarding us all with and they attempt to debunk it. Read and be entertained, then understand how you are being played by the candidates. Ouch.


The truth doesn't lie ...

Here is a web site / blog that has kept score of the Bush Administration's track record on many things. It's totally subjective, however, they also include the link to the story that discusses the issue, which then allows you to make up your own mind. (What a novel concept!)

If you look at the things that GW said he was going to accomplish versus what he has accomplished, you will see he veered well away from his stated goals 4 years ago. Oh yes, there was 9/11, and it did change everything. Or did it? What have you done differently in your life since 9/11 except for become more afraid and paranoid that the "enemy is out there"? Seriously. 9/11 was a wake up call. Now we are awake. It was not, however, a blank check to wage war against any regime that we think might be the slightest bit questionable.

This administration's time is up.