
Wold Cup tidbit

Chloe and I were sitting together and watching the thrilling end of the exciting Italy v. Germany world cup semifinal. Italy had just scored 2 goals toward the end of the 2nd half of overtime and the German team and fans were devastated.

Chloe looked at the Germans and turned to me and asked "Daddy, why are the German's crying?" I was a bit taken back by her quesiton since I hadn't noticed that anyone was crying, and wasn't sure that she was actually watching. Being the compassionate person I am I calmly explained that the German team had just lost the game and that they were very sad because of that.

Chloe turned to me and said "When I play soccer in the fall, if my team wins the last game, I will be happy and I will jump around." Then I asked her what would happen if her team lost. Her immediate response was "If my team loses the last game, I won't cry."

A few words of wisdom from my baby.
