
Wold Cup tidbit

Chloe and I were sitting together and watching the thrilling end of the exciting Italy v. Germany world cup semifinal. Italy had just scored 2 goals toward the end of the 2nd half of overtime and the German team and fans were devastated.

Chloe looked at the Germans and turned to me and asked "Daddy, why are the German's crying?" I was a bit taken back by her quesiton since I hadn't noticed that anyone was crying, and wasn't sure that she was actually watching. Being the compassionate person I am I calmly explained that the German team had just lost the game and that they were very sad because of that.

Chloe turned to me and said "When I play soccer in the fall, if my team wins the last game, I will be happy and I will jump around." Then I asked her what would happen if her team lost. Her immediate response was "If my team loses the last game, I won't cry."

A few words of wisdom from my baby.



Memo to MPAA

My daughter is heading to only her 2nd movie in a theater at the ripe old age of 4.  However she has consumed tons of DVD's.  She's very excited to see Cars, a G rated movie that is sure to please the whole family.  I wish that you and your stogey old suits would open your eyes and realize that the time to market the DVD for this movie is NOW.  Include the DVD price in the movie ticket as an option and allow the movie goers to pick up the DVD on their way out.

Would this cannibalize the need for multiple trips to the theater?  Yup.  Will my family of 4 make multiple trips to the theater to see that movie let alone any others?  Nope.  Could it drive more people into the theater for their chance to have the DVD?  You bet.

You could have my $$ now, or you can put together a campaign to waste millions of dollars in 4-6 months trying to convince me to buy your DVD.  Your choice.

Father of 2 young DVD watching kids.

WC Rant ...

Dear FIFA World Cup officials,

Please feel free to instruct the hapless men in the "middle" to keep the yellow and red card in their pocket unless someone has lost a limb.  This cup has been marred by incompetent referees taking it upon themselves to change the outcome of games.  Let the players play.  If anything, start handing out cards for excessive "simulation".

I know I'll sound like an old codger with this one, but for cripes sake, can you PLEASE tuck your shirts in?  If the hoodlums in the NBA can keep their shirts tucked in, I think the players in the world cup can as well.

That being said ... I think we have been treated to some HUGE moments so far.  Shaka Hislop comes to mind.  Ghana exposing the Czech's as old and slow.  USA exposing themselves as unable to overcome the bad luck that was somehow laid upon them.  Amazing goals from all over the pitch. 

Thank you to Germany for being a good host so far.

I'm sure we have great things to come, and I sincerely hope that we don't have to remember this cup as the one that the referees ruined.



Online shopping, watch your back ...

I'm looking for a digital camera, specifically a Nikon D50 digital SLR camera. It's my latest tech-obsession ... well ... at least the one that I am most likely to indulge. I've been reading all of the reviews at Steve's Digicams, Digital Photography Review, Digital Camera Resource page, Epinions, Amazon.com, and Consumer Reports ... so I think I have it narrowed down to the one that I want to buy. Unless someone knows of a better camera for the money?

At any rate, the real story is the search for the best price. I've got a few favorite sites that I like to check into as far as pricing goes ... but this time around I thought I would check froogle.google.com as well. Usually google doesn't steer me wrong, but this time I have cause to question. When performing a search in froogle.google.com it will return your results like normal, then a list of paid search "ads" on the right column. Whoopee I thought ...

I used the search term "D50" and the top 2 ads on the right coulmn were ExpressCamera and BestPriceCamera - both of which were "new" to me. Being click happy, I thought I would check them out. I started poking around and everything looked okay to me. I thought I would check out each place on resellerratings.com which I have used in the past to get feedback for online stores that I haven't heard of. Well ... come to find out that each store has HORRIBLE ratings. They are both being accused of bait-and-switch and trying to upsell customers on things that are supposed to come with the item you are purchasing.

I read Google's policy on the ads that it shows, and they attempt to distance themselves from any responsiblity for the ads they show. I wonder how long that will last. Hmm ... so many issues with that.

The lesson I took is, as is most often true with anything, let the buyer beware and use ALL of the tools at your fingertips to ensure you are purchasing from a reputible seller.


New Year's resolutions

Ya Ya -- the usual -- but this year it's being published for all to see, or not. At the end of the year I'll grade myseld with either a 1, a .5, or a 0 to see how I did.

  1. Eat to live, don't live to eat ... stop the cycle of nervous eating.
  2. Lose a total of 40 pounds throughout this year - final weigh in will be Thanksgiving morning.
  3. Keep within that weight through the holidays
  4. Exercise at least 3 times a week

  1. Become the tubby-time daddy - to give the girls their night time tubs.
  2. Support Heidi in all of her "extra-curricular" activities by volunteering times to watch the girls so she can go out and play.
  3. No computer and no TV before the kids are in bed.
  4. One weekend per month is outside fun weekend - day hikes, walks in the neighborhood, geocaching, playing at the park - anything outside.
  5. Complete the garage "project" - install wall shelving and ceiling shelving
  6. Complete the backyard "project" - install summer grass

  1. Keep "eating out" to a bare minimum. Once or twice a month at work.
  2. Define a monthly and yearly budget with focus on saving/investments
    1. Begin regular investments in 529's for Paige and Chloe
    2. Review investments with Heidi at least 4 times a year
  3. Define a high level 5 year plan for our investments and finances - includes upcoming vacations, large purchases, home improvements, etc.
That's a good start ... I can always change/add as things come up.